I was paralyzed by anxiety for many years too. I was self sabotaging my relationships, my progress at work and everything else that mattered with my anxiety coupled with uncontrollable thoughts. It took me a lot of reading and endless hours of talking to friends to understand the triggers and my devastating anxiety patterns. And yes, the realization that your crippling anxiety and your fears do not come true most of the time helped me a lot too.
I still have moments and days when I get derailed with anxiety and everything goes haywire but I am definitely proud of the progress I made so far. I do not rely on any chemicals instead I do things that restore me most days. Taking 10,000 steps everyday ensures I get a good night sleep, praying and reading that resonates with me, having a structure and purpose to my day that is not overpowering or stressful but that just makes me feel productive has been immensely helpful. It’s a journey and I am proud of how far I have come. I hope you find your path forward too.